| 1. | Section 3 , the reformation of compulsory educational curricula and the construction of curricula knowledge 第三部分:课程知识的建构与基础教育课程改革。 |
| 2. | The construction of curriculum system for professional activity - oriented teaching of automatization specialty in higher vocational education 高职自动化专业职业活动导向教学课程体系的构建 |
| 3. | Besides , some suggestions are also made about the training modes , constructions of curriculum , ways and methods , etc 本文还就创新型英语人才的培养模式、课程结构及方法途径等问题提出了一些建议。 |
| 4. | As the contemporary curriculum study has come to multipolarization , one of its important trends is moving towards reflection and construction of curriculum study itself 当代课程研究已进入多元化时代,其中对课程研究自身的反思与构建成为一个重要趋势。 |
| 5. | Both modern and postmodern curriculum studies have advantages and disadvantages . the construction of curriculum studies in 2lst century needs to overcom 由后现代视角观之,课程是开放的系统,课程具有不确定性,课程具有整体联系性,课程需要渗透关怀的理念。 |
| 6. | The current foreign and chinese research concerning this has gained great results , focusing on such problems as theoretical construction of curriculum resources in community and curriculum implement 当前国内外关于这一问题的研究已有诸多建树,集中于社区课程资源的理论建构和课程开发两个方面。 |
| 7. | In this essay the author integrates the existent surveys and analyzes different elements and levels , such as the concept , characteristics , classification and construction of curriculum resources 本文综合了目前已有的研究成果,对课程资源的概念、特征、分类、课程资源的层面以及开发与利用等方面的问题进行分析与探讨。 |
| 8. | And the process of personal construction of curricula was discussed with the help of an inquiry which held in 9 primary and secondary schools in xinyu city of jiangxi province 紧接着论述了课程知识的个体建构过程,这一部分所用的是调查实证的研究方法,以“江西省新余市9所中小学”为研究对象,对课程知识的个体建构过程进行了剖析。 |
| 9. | Disequilibrium in distribution of curriculum resources exists in the present curriculum resources of basic education in china . the problems in construction of curriculum resources have aroused attention increasingly 当前我国基础教育的课程资源现状,提出并澄清了课程资源分布的不平衡性,以及课程资源建设中应该高度重视的几个认识问题。 |
| 10. | It means that construction of curricula knowledge includes social and personal constructions . then the present condition of the sociology research on curricula was discussed , with the curricula of schools in tang dynasty as examples 然后阐述的是课程知识的社会学研究现状,在此基础上以“唐代科举制度下学校教育的课程知识”为实例,对课程知识的社会建构进行详细的论述。 |